You are failing… you just don’t know it.

Sorry, but yes… you are failing, Doh! bt AB 0914

You don’t know you are failing,

So, you need a system that lets you know exactly when failure is happening.

Yes, believe it or not, there is Science behind Failure, and without it we would all be doomed to living in a Zombie status.

When you start a business to “see what happens” there is NO failure, because you will ALWAYS succeed at “seeing what happens” so, when failure happens you just let it spread and do nothing about it until you are neck deep in the bad stuff that failure brings along.

So most entrepreneurs soothe themselves by repeating:

“No worries, its a fall, but I learned a lot”

Now, according to Eric Ries in the Lean Startup, learning a lot is USELESS, unless such learning truly leads to progress. Of course, progress, is a wide term, but that discussion will have to wait to the next post.

How to know when failure is happening?  Visual Lean Approach by tWv 0914

Define the Problem/desire, –> Propose a Solution –> State your hYpothesis, –> Experiment –> Analyze results

A hYpothesis is a statement that you must prove as True or False. When  Experiments yield False, Failure has happened, and its time to analyze and pivot.

Great news! This means that you found a series of learnings that DO NOT lead to success, and that is actual value.

So, according to your initial hypothesis, are you failing today? Perhaps its time for a pivot?

Next post: What does Entrepreneurial Progress actually mean?


Stay tuned for more stuff from the guilty guy L Berea

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