1 movie for Purpose-driven Entrepreneurs.

What led you to become an Entrepreneur?

If you are in it for things greater than money, AKA a Vision…

That means you and I, are Purpose-driven Entrepreneurs. If so, you most probably seek and enjoy inspiration.

“3 Idiots”3 idiots

is a movie that not only serves as a great engine of inspiration, but it also sheds a number of actionable lessons for the people who navigate the seas of uncertainty:

1. “All izz well” Find a trick around fear to get the clarity and strength you need to solve your issues.

2. “All you need to go to school is a uniform”. Think laterally: if you need promotion, I can guarantee that there is a way to get it with almost no budget, but with a great idea.

3. “Chase excellence and success will chase you”. This is your purpose, chase it, learn towards it, make it better every time and success will most probably ensue.



“All izz well”

Guilty as charged @alejandroberea



Hey you!


What do you sell?



If your answer included one or more of the following elements:


  1. You described some product




  1. You talked about a lower cost or price




  1. Used adjectives


…you’re TOAST!


sad toast face


But why?




  1. There are several THOUSAND people out there who sell the same product as you


  1. Almost all of them can offer the same thing you do a little bit CHEAPER than you


  1. If you need adjectives, it’s because you need to compensate for the HIGH degree of COMMODITIZATION of whatever it is you have to offer


How do you go about doing something about it? The answer is very long, but you can start by creating a “Non-Product Concept” that offers benefits beyond what the product offers directly. It’s not alchemy, it’s a method, and you need to THINK about it and apply a twist to what you do.


I hope you’re pissed off enough now that you actually do something about this problem.


With conceptual-marketable-love: @alejandroberea

Ya basta de Productos. Queremos personas.


¿qué vendes?

Si tu respuesta incluyó 1 ó más de los siguientes elementos:

1. Describiste algún producto,



2. Hablaste de menor costo o precio


3. Utilizaste adjetivos,

… estás FRITO.

Fried-Chicken-Leg¿Pero porqué?


1. hay varios MILes de personas afuera que venden el mismo producto que tu,

2. Casi todos pueden ofrecer lo Mismo que ofreces un poquito más barato que tu,

3. Si necesitas adjetivos, es porque necesitas compensar los ALTOS niveles de REEMPLAZABILIDAD de lo que ofreces.

¿Cómo lo soluciono? La respuesta es muy larga, pero puedes empezar por crear un “Non-Product Concept” que ofrezca beneficios más allá de lo que ofrece el producto directamente. No es alquimia, es un método, y se necesita PENSAR y darle un tWist a lo que haces.


Ojalá te hayas enojado tanto que empieces a resolver el problema.


Con cariño-conceptual-mercadeable. @alejandroberea.