
Creativity has traditionally been associated with artists, publicists and designers. But how true is that? The fact is that we are all creative. We only have to remember when we were kids, we all created things, worlds, we imagined ourselves monsters and a thousand other things.

So… what happened? Education and context. The Mexican educational system is designed for “learning,” but not what they teach us,

From grade school, until grad school…

they make us memorize, in fact, that is precisely what the tests they give us evaluate: our capacity to retain information. And that’s not necessarily horrible, but, how much do you remember today of your basic education? Very little, because you memorized it, and naturally, what you memorize you forget IF YOU DON’T USE IT!

tWisting means Thinking. That is, what should I do to get my business started?

So, take a minute and reeeeally ask yourself: am I creative, at anything? (I bet 98% of us are). Now that you know that you are creative, develop that tWist you have within you and make it take you… wherever you want.

Happy tWisting

Alex Berea

Speak up! Well... write up!